King Cymbeline (Bill Quinlan) in “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo by JTH
Cornelia The Druidess (MaryAnn Schaupp combining Soothsayer and Cornelius). “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo by JTH
Guiderius, Belarius and Arviragus the outcasts “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Princess Imogen (Erin Merritt) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
General Lucius (Michael Neilond) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Prince Cloten (Desmond Lewis) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Roman Spy (Garland Lee Thompson combining multiple roles) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Dorothy (Deirdre McCauley) captures Imogen disguised as boy (Erin Merritt) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Iachimo (Brian Huntingdon) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Posthumous Leonatus (John Farmanesh-Bocca) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Pisanio (Henry Guevara) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Dorothy (Deirdre McCauley) with Ghost of Posthumous’s Mother (Denise Jolene Guarnery) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Celtic warrior chieftess Helen (Elizabeth Hero Klaas) braids the Queen’s hair in the dressing room during “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeyer
Queen (Julie Hughett) “Cymbeline” adapted and directed by JTH PacRep 1996 photo JTHeye
Edited version of director’s notes