Billy Bailey (Paul McCormack), Mrs. McLaren (Nancy L. Bernhard), and Old Man Gower (Tom Kiatta) pray for George, “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Billy Bailey (Paul McCormack), Mrs. McLaren (Nancy L. Bernhard), Gower (Tom Kiatta), Ma Bailey (Angel Dratz), Violet (Briana Sandoval), Mary (Amanda Cardoso) and ZuZu (Maria “Carmen” Del Mora) pray for George. Center: Announcer Freddie Filmore (Jeffrey T. Heyer). “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
George Bailey (Andres Ortiz) with Mary (Amanda Cardoso), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Superintendent of Angels Joseph (Jeffrey T. Heyer) instructs Angel Second Class Clarence (Paul McCormack), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Foley Operator Ian, “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
George Bailey (Andres Ortiz) at the house of Mary Hatch (Amanda Cardoso) with scornful Mrs. Hatch (Nancy L. Bernhard), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Ma Bailey (Angel Dratz) on the porch with George Bailey (Andres Ortiz), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
WBFR jingle girls stage right (Briana Sandoval, Nancy L. Bernhard and Maria “Carmen” Del Mora singing “Bremel Hair Tonic,” “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Center: Old Man Potter (Jeffrey T. Heyer) calls the Bailey Building and Loan. Behind: investors clamoring to get their money back during the Crash (Tom Kiatta, Briana Sandoval, Nancy L. Bernhard, Angel Dratz, Denisha Ervin and Maria “Carmen” Del Mora, “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
George Bailey (Andres Ortiz) with Violet (Briana Sandoval), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
State Bank Examiner Miss Sadie Vance (Maria “Carmen” Del Mora) argues with Potter (Jeffrey T. Heyer), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Bert the Cop arrests George (Andres Ortiz) while Clarence (Paul McCormack) and Ernie the cab driver (Denisha Ervin) look on, “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green
Potter (Jeffrey T. Heyer) hangs George (Andres Ortiz) out to dry. Behind: Mary (Amanda Cardoso), Gower (Tom Kiatta), Musical Director (Don Dally), Old Maid Collins (Nancy L. Bernhard) and Clarence (Paul McCormack), “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” The Western Stage 2023, photo by Richard Green