(2015) Holmes For The Holidays

Holmes (Heyer) with Mrs. Culverton Smith (Nina Capriola)

Holmes reads.



JTH at Giorgio’s relaxing with cast of “Holmes For The Holidays” after staged reading at The Western Stage 2015





Sherlock Holmes (Jeffrey T. Heyer) examines one of Mrs. Hudson’s Christmas decorations. “Holmes for the Holidays” Act I: The Blue Carbuncle, Actors Collective Media Entertainment 2015, photo by Gregg Le Blanc


Sherlock Holmes (Jeffrey T. Heyer) examines a baccillus culture in “Holmes for the Holidays” Act II: The Dying Detective, Actors Collective Media Entertainment 2015, photo by Gregg Le Blanc


Dr. Watson (Clifford Gilkey) and Sherlock Holmes (JTHeyer) toast Queen Victoria at 221B Baker Street, “Holmes for the Holidays,” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015


Sherlock Holmes (JTHeyer) deep in deductions about a lost hat as Dr. Watson (Clifford Gilkey) arrives with Christmas gifts, “The Blue Carbuncle,” Act I of “Holmes for the Holidays,” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015


Holmes (Heyer) with Mrs. Culverton Smith (Nina Capriola)







Sherlock Holmes (JTHeyer) lost in his deductions “The Blue Carbuncle” Act I of “Holmes for the Holidays,” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack

Sidney Paget illustration for the Strand of Holmes and Watson examining the lost hat in “The Blue Carbuncle”


Paget illustration recreated: Holmes (JTHeyer) and Watson (Clifford Gilkey) examining the lost hat in “The Blue Carbuncle” Act I of “Holmes for the Holidays” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack




Watson (Clifford Gilkey) and Holmes (JTHeyer) examine The Blue Carbuncle; Act I of “Holmes for the Holidays” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack






Watson (Clifford Gilkey) gifts Holmes (JTHeyer) with a deerstalker “The Blue Carbuncle” Act I of “Holmes for the Holidays” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack





Holmes (JTHeyer) conducts a malodorous chemistry experiment “The Dying Detective” Act II of “Holmes for the Holidays” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack





Mrs. Culverton Smith slaps the fatally ill Holmes (JTHeyer) “The Dying Detective” Act II of “Holmes for the Holidays” Actors Collective, Carl Cherry Theater, Carmel 2015 photo by Cynthia Womack





Card side 1 advertising Cynthia’s Holmes One Act series.





Card side 2 advertising Cynthia’s Holmes One Act series.