Richard (Paul Whitworth) creeps up on the dying King Edward in “Richard III,“ Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1997. Picture from The Santa Cruz Sentinel.
The embittered and impoverished Queen Margaret (Nina Capriola)and the Ghost of the murdered King Henry VI haunt Richard III in “Richard the Third”, Third Part of “The Plantagenets Trilogy” GroveMont Theatre 1993
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Though used as PR for Richard III, this photo was from Edward IV (The Plantagenets), GroveMont 1993
The future King Richard III (Mark Shillsonte-Laurent) actually has his best speech in King Henry VI Part III, or King Edward IV of The Plantagenets Trilogy, GroveMont 1993
King Edward IV (JTHeyer who doubled as Stanley), King Richard III, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, 1997
(l-r) Queen Elizabeth (Julie Hughett), Elizabeth Plantagenet behind the king’s staff (Elizabeth Klaas), King Edward IV (Jerry Gill), Catesby (Peter Eberhardt), Hastings (Jeff Hudelson), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Bishop of Ely (Ellis Albee), Sir James Tirrel (Donovan Dolan), Mayor of Longon (Cynthia Womack), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Anne Neville (Manuela Moyer) wooed by RIchard (Mark Shillstone-Laurent), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Mistress Shore (Katie Gotch), Second Murderer (Heather Folsom), Earl of Stanley (Henry Guevara), Elizabeth Plantagenet (Elizabeth Klaas), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Anne Neville (Manuela Moyer), Earl of Oxford (Noah Brooks), Catesby (Peter Eberhardt), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Richard confronted by his least favorite person, Queen Margaret (Nina Capriola), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993
Queen Elizabeth (Julie Hughett), King Richard III (The Plantagenets Trilogy), GroveMont, 1993