The Lusty Adventures of Tom Jones, based upon the Academy Award Winning film, is about the story of a young man, abandoned as a child, and now all grown up and launched into the bewildering romantic world. Tom falls madly in love with the virtuous Sophia, however, Sophia’s father is determined to keep the two apart. In his pursuit for true love, the well-intentioned Tom finds himself the object of relentless female attention and romantic complications. Will these misadventures permanently jeopardize his chances with Sophia?
The Lusty Adventures of Tom Jones
performances start Friday September 28th and will continue
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights at 7:30 p.m.,
through October 14th.
General admission ticket prices range from $8 to $38,
students over 15 (accompanied by adult preferred), teachers,
seniors over 65, and active military.
Tickets are available online at:, by calling (831) 622-0100, or by visiting the PacRep Box Office at the Golden Bough Playhouse, located on Monte Verde between 8th and 9th, in Carmel.Get PacRep
at the Outdoor Forest Theater
Mountain View Avenue and Santa Rita Steet
In the heart of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Original Adaptation
The Lusty Adventures of Tom Jones
freely adapted by Jon Jory based on the the classic novel by Henry Fielding
Sept 28 – Oct 14 Outdoor Forest Theater
Directed by Ken Kelleher
PacRep’s annual Forest Theatre offering is a rollicking and naughty adaptation of Henry Fielding’s ribald classic Tom Jones. Abandoned as a child to the care of Squire Allworthy, Tom Jones is now all grown up and launched into the bewildering romantic world. He falls madly in love with the virtuous Sophia Western — but Sophia’s father is determined to keep the two apart.
In his pursuit of true love, the well-intentioned Tom finds himself the object of female attention and romantic complication. But will these misadventures permanently jeopardize his chances with Sophia? Tom Jones is a bawdy and rollicking comedy for the stage that will have the audience
in stitches.
In this satirical romp, I will be playing Squire Allworthy—could one ask for a more noble part?— the adoptive father of the perpetually baffled Tom Jones. I may play one or two other parts as well. Based on my past experiences with adaptations at PacRep I expect this one to be a lot of fun.