(1983) The Merry Wives of Windsor

Review of “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983


Sentinel review of “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 by Richard Green


Dr. Caius (JTH) prepares to duel with Sir Hugh Evans in “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Don Fukuda


Dr. Caius (JTH) prepares to duel with Sir Hugh Evans (Simon Kelly) in “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Don Fukuda

Dr. Caius (JTH) discovers he’s been tricked into running off with William (Michael Faulkner) instead of Anne Page; Mistress Page (Kate Rickman) in “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Don Fukuda

Dr. Caius (JTH) delighted he has Mistress Page’s (Kate Rickman) blessing to marry Anne Page as Mistress Ford (Wendy Bowers) looks on in “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Don Fukuda

Dr. Caius (JTH) draws his sword cane on Simple (JTH’s good friend the always funny Richard Warren) with a paniced Rugby (Michael Brezel) while Mistress Quickly (the darling of the production Olive Evans) looks on in “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Don Fukuda


Dr Caius (JTH) poses on set in the Glen before the show as audience members set out their blankets. “TheMerry Wives of Windsor,” Shakespeare Santa Cruz 1983 photo by Ceridwen